Afghanistan Defendants

In the lawsuit against Iran under the terrorism exception of the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act, the defendant being sued is the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

In the Anti-Terrorism Act lawsuit against the multinational corporations, the defendants being sued are the parent companies and/or subsidiaries of Black & Veatch, DAI Global, Environmental Chemical Corporation, G4S, Janus Global Operations, Louis Berger Group, and MTN Group.  Specifically:

Black & Veatch Special Projects Corporation

Centerra Group, LLC

DAI Global, LLC

Environmental Chemical Corporation

G4S Holdings International (AG) Limited
G4S Risk Management Limited

Janus Global Operations, LLC

Louis Berger Group Inc.
Louis Berger International, Inc.

MTN Group Limited
MTN (Dubai) Limited
MTN Afghanistan

Blumont, Inc.
Blumont Global Development, Inc.
International Relief and Development, Inc.

Chemonics International, Inc.