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Sparacino PLLC
1920 L Street, NW
Suite 835
Washington, DC 20036
This website and any data collected through this portal concern lawsuits filed in U.S. District Court on behalf of U.S. persons.
Your use of the portal in this website to submit information to Sparacino PLLC (the “Firm”) will not create an attorney-client relationship. Before we can undertake a representation, we must, among other things, determine that doing so will not involve a conflict of interest. Therefore, you should not send us any confidential information or information about any legal matter until we have agreed to represent or advise you in writing. Please note that any information you convey to the Firm before an attorney-client relationship has been established may not be privileged or confidential. Any information sent to the Firm through this website or by email is not guaranteed to be secure or confidential.